

The Romans established a fort at Manchester and a small settlement survived into the Middle Ages as a market town. My guiding will begin with these topics and we can visit the reconstruction of the Fort’s northern gateway and certainly Manchester Cathedral. As Manchester grew rapidly in the 18th century, it became a centre for the Industrial Revolution. St Ann’s Church in the historic shopping centre, St Ann’s Square, is a beautiful Georgian addition to the city in this time. The Cross Street Chapel was at the centre of religious conflicts in those confessionally diverse, but tense times and the lovely St Mary’s Church, Manchester’s “hidden gem” adds to this story. The nineteenth century saw an explosion in population, industrial unrest, and extremes of poverty and wealth. We see some of the highlights of this process in the Peoples’ History Museum. The John Rylands Library (open Wednesday to Saturday), the Art Gallery, the Town Hall and Public Library in St Peter’s Square show the proud self-confidence of Cottonopolis at the height of its wealth and interest. Those with an interest can later visit the Museum of Science and Technology and Manchester Museum. They are not part of my tour. The Elizabeth Gaskell House is, however, an optional extra. It does not open every day.
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